The Greater Clarksville Chapter Committee

Allan Groves
Committee Chair

Bill & Jeanette Prine
Committee Members

Darrell Peeler
Committee Member

Dwight Dickson
Vice Chair

Irene Gudgeon

Lynn Rudolph
Committee Member

Nancy Grant
Committee Member

Rissa Larson
Committee Member

Joyce Jackson
MInistry Coordinator

Jonna Black
Administrative Assistant

Karen Lyle
Social Media and Marketing Manager

Leigh Whitby
MInistry Coordinator - CYIA
From Our Partners
In my view, the Church has a mission to take the Gospel to the world and to make disciples throughout all nations. It starts at home and goes world-wide. One of the absolute best ways for us to fulfill our mission locally is to take the Gospel into our schools. FCA does a great job of that in high schools and middle schools, but in elementary schools, the best way to take the Gospel to the students is through Good News Club. My church and I have been a part of one for years now. Each week, we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with the students who come, an average of about 45 or more students each week. Many of those do not attend church at all. Some, after hearing the Gospel and responding to Jesus by faith, have begun to attend church, often times finding their way into our church. Also, while we are following up with students who make decisions or talking to parents in the car line as students exit the building to go home, we are able to reach parents, too. Our church has seen real numerical growth as a result of this outreach. Good News Clubs are a great way to reach our communities for Christ.
Jerry Jeter, Pastor
Pleasant View Baptist, Clarksville
I serve at our Kenwood Elementary Good News Club. It has been such a rewarding experience. Every week more kids register for club. The Bible teaching and other components are all very uplifting and Spirit-filled. Best of all, we have already seen 10 kids pray to receive Christ during the last five weeks! Our Campus Church (Kenwood Baptist) is right down the street, and 3 of the kids have been baptized there, and several families have visited the church from the club. I would highly recommend the Good News Clubs to anyone wanting to reach kids for Jesus.
Cal Hampton, Pastor
2nd Mile Church, Clarksville
It is a great blessing to work with these kids for a number of years at the Dover Elementary Good News Club. I see a hunger in these young people for the Good News that I cannot see in adults. One young girl asked me to teach her how to pray. I asked her “who is your best friend in school”. She told me that she and Sue do everything together. I asked her what they talk about when they are together. She said “friends, clothes, classes, people that are mean to them and people that are good to them”. I told her to tell Jesus the same things that you tell your friend. Her eyes got really big and said
“that’s easy”. A few days later she told me she talks to Jesus every day now. In my heart all I could do was say thank you Jesus. These young people are the future of our church and our great country.
Glenn Byrd, Pastor
Bumpus Mills and New Haven UMC
I have been a part of CEF and GNC for about 7 years. I have participated in all aspects of club activities including teaching the lesson, the memory verse, sending out prayer requests and counseling after the invitation. I have also been serving on the CEF Board. After clubs, I am physically exhausted and spiritually exhilarated! At GNC, a shy 4th grade boy began to ask spiritual questions and made a decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. His parents were getting a divorce, which obviously affected him emotionally. Shortly after Christmas he and his Mom were moving away. As he was leaving his last day, he turned around, came back, and hugged me and then walked away. I wholeheartedly believe that you can go to a third world country in a school near you. Good News Club has been an incredible growth experience for me.
Bill Prine, Deacon
First Baptist Church Clarksville
Covid really had some serious effects on our society and the Church. Our church (and many others) saw a sharp decline in young families with kids. We prayed for young families to come join us and for our church to be filled with kids again. Few came. When we heard about CEF and Good News Club, we said, “If the kids will not come to us, we will go to them!” 10 of our church members and some from other area churches formed a team. God has used us to minister to >100 kids, and we have seen many of them give their hearts to Christ! We are so grateful and thankful to be used by Him to reach these precious little ones!
Eric Sims, Pastor
Oakwood Freewill Baptist, Woodlawn
My name is Paul Edwards, and it has been my utmost privilege to serve in 3 different Good News Clubs since 2009. It has always been one of the highlights of ministry as I walk in to a group of children and adults happy to be there and learning about Jesus! I have always described the time there each week as a mini-VBS. For many, this time is their church! I have a passion for the Lord and His Word, and I have been able to teach the memory verse for the majority of the 13 years I have been involved with this amazing ministry. To see and hear these kids saying those verses out loud and memorizing them is a priceless tool that will prayerfully carry them into their remaining school years and into adult life. The children that attend are in their formative years, and what better way to influence them than to teach them God’s Word! The door appears to be open in various places, and Good News Club is a wonderful way of sharing Jesus that our churches may not be able to reach otherwise.
Paul Edwards, Pastor
White House 1st UMC
We have an Acts 1:8 strategy, so when a teacher from Burt Elementary school, located just a few minutes from our church, approached us about helping with some events at their school, we gladly accepted. We were able to pass out church invites to some of the families as we served but weren’t able to have gospel conversations or teach the Bible, which was our desire. CEF approached me about our church sponsoring a Good News Club there, and we knew this was that opportunity we were looking for. Our people have been blessed to be a part of making a gospel difference in the lives of students and their families. We are thankful for CEF and the Good News Club opportunities.
Jason Johnson, Missions Pastor
First Baptist Church Clarksville