
Phil Buckner
Mr. Phil was a Committee member for many years, along with his precious wife, Sandy. They served in the Dickson Elementary Good News Club® and then started the Vanleer Good News Club®.

Oliver died unexpectedly over summer break several years ago. We will never forget hearing from his mom about his sudden passing. He and his younger sister had been in our Good News Club® for several years. We know without a doubt that he is in heaven.

Kamara & Alexander
Kamara & Alexander died in a house fire shortly after the Montgomery Central Good News Club® ended that school year. Even children die. We were so thankful to know that both children had believed on Jesus in Good News Club®.

John Alkire
John served at the Glenellen Elementary Good News Club® for as long as he could, even while taking treatments for cancer.

Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy was part of our very first Good News Club® in Dickson County. He was great with the kids and his smile and laugh was contagious!

Harold Witmer
Harold was on the very first Committee for the Greater Clarksville Chapter. He loved Jesus and knew everybody. He never met a stranger and the term ‘networker’ was an understatement. It was not uncommon for him to put you on the spot to give your testimony to someone he had just introduced you to!

Gloria Chambliss
Mrs. Gloria was the reason we even had a Good News Club® at East Cheatham Elementary. Not being tech savvy at all, she would contact the CEF® office when she needed more fliers, and she would personally take them to talk with pastors about starting a Good News Club®. The first year of club, her great grandson believed on Jesus as Savior. Mrs. Gloria was thrilled!

Carolyn Latham
Carolyn served with us for several years in Good News Club®s at St. Bethlehem and Burt Elementary Schools to be with her granddaughter, Hailie, whom she was raising.

Cyndi worked with us in 3 different clubs, two at the same time.