Christian Youth In Action® - CYIA™
What is CYIA™?
Christian Youth In Action® is a summer missions program developed by CEF®. Young people, ages 12-20 who are growing in their relationship with Jesus, are invited to apply to serve in our CYIA™ (Christian Youth in Action) leadership program to learn how to be summer missionaries in our 5-Day Clubs and beyond. Students attend 3 pre-trainings locally with other students from our area and then attend a week-long training camp with students from across the state of Tennessee. After camp, the students return back to our chapter to do 5-Day Clubs.
Here’s a glimpse of what goes on at CYIA™ camp
5 Day Clubs

What is a 5-Day Club?
5-Day Clubs are fun-filled, 1½ hour clubs held each day for five consecutive days. 5DCs are held in various locations (yards, daycares, community centers, etc.) and include: Bible lessons, missionary stories, songs, games, Scripture memory and more!
The video below provides a glimpse of what the CYIA™ers are being trained to do: